I did not think this would work at ALL as electro swing... you sure proved me wrong.
I really liked the rhythms of this one, and the transitions to G# at 1:42 and to 3/4 at 2:50 was quite cool. That said, I have a couple tips on what to work on, in my opinion at least:
-The thing that irked me the most was the dissonance in either the 2nd or 3rd measure (not sure how you set it up)— the second chord that's played, at any rate. The original is modal to some degree, I think... or maybe just melodic minor, or something... anyway, that measure or two (the IV chord) in the original is major, which you kept in the melody (diatonic with G major) but didn't keep in the chord, which was G minor. Wow, I just spent a lot of space trying to describe that, sorry... hopefully that made sense. Anyway, it repeated a bunch of times, and nothing else was dissonant... I thought I should point it out.
-In general, it felt kind of sparse... I don't think you ever had more than 3 types of instrument, or like 5 different individual instruments playing at once. Some more layering would add a lot in my opinion. Also there are a lot of other ways the piano can play besides that ragtime-y, choppy sound... just sayin'.
(Also pretty sure the piece is originally in 6/8, FYI... it's a subtle difference)
But anyway, I did really enjoy it, just to be clear... I just don't usually find it very helpful to find a bunch of lists on things I don't need to work on for my own music, so I try to avoid it in my reviews.
Keep up the good work, man! Seriously!