there are plenty of free VSTs that you can download off the internet, so many producers download em! and you can use them, but I urge you to remember, The producer and VST work in turn... what I mean is, that however good you are will feed into the sound making in the VST consequently feeding back into your music, meaning that no matter the quality of the VST your music will always sound like you, meaning that what type of VST, although changes the sound, it doesn't change your music... in simpler terms:
if you are inexperienced, getting better quality of sounds and VSTs will not make you a better musician, you'd still be mediocre, just with better sounding sounds!
if that makes sense... that's why you should still post... your VSTs don't have a massive role in your production skills!
Hmm... Which DAW do you use? I'm assuming FL. If you add me on skype I might be able to help you with music production even without super good VSTs, that way, you'll be ready for when you do get them. My skype is on my page if you're interested.
I appreciate the offer, but a) I don't have Skype (I should really get one) and b) I use Logic, actually. However, if there's any advice or help in particular that you'd like to offer, I'd be more than happy to receive it through a PM or something. I need all the help I can get :3